Oct 29, 2010

Scared of My Own...

home? No, I didn't turn my house into a haunted one but if this isn't scary, I don't know what is!

This is the old vanity from the master bath.

This is/was the beau's studio.

Here is his new studio after swapping rooms.

Here is the hallway, still with a toilet tank but now filled with old air vents!

And this ladies and gents, is the master bedroom. Because we might need an old light fixture or $90 worth of wigs nearby right?

Or a vacuum, subwoofer and computer keyboard, no?

This is one of the night stands. And something Rylie hacked up on it. With a bag full of junk mail next to it.

There are no sweet dreams happening here. Only nightmares...

Oct 27, 2010

Hit the Fan

While I was away from home on extended travel, the bf surprised me with installing a new bathroom vent that I had ordered a while back:

We don't have a before shot of what was there, but it was a regular vent with no light. An old vent that sounded like it was on its last legs (and it was metal, which I had never seen before, I had only seen plastic ones, have you?).

Anyway, we love the new fan, it's quiet, it's modern, and it even works as a light fixture. In fact, it makes the rest of the bathroom look outdated in comparison. But there was one big problem I encountered once I got home in person:

That big obnoxious logo right in the center of the glass dome. I wrote to the manufacturer to no avail and then read on some forum where most people shared the same problem, that the logo is not actually etched into the glass.

So I took to some high tech tools:

Put in the tiniest sliver of elbow grease:

And, voila!

If you own the Hunter 90053 Saturn fan, here's your solution!

Oct 25, 2010

Tub Thumping

For a while now, I've been researching tubs, trying to decide which was right for us and our master bath. I wanted a whirlpool tub, 36" wide, with a tile flange, in white, for an alcove installation. And I wanted it around 1k shipped.

Our first foray into tubs a few months ago brought us into Warehouse Discount Center. If you remember from my experiences with them last year, I am not a fan of that store. But I wanted to see if they could ship something for free since we live so close or had some floor model for a steal. Anyway, after being told about a local company that makes every tub to order, and customizing a tub with the standard amount of jets, and some lights thrown in for funsies, the quote came in at 2k. WDC how quickly you remind me of how much I hate you. I will never get those 20 minutes of my life back.

6 weeks ago, I was feeling pretty good that I had our choices narrowed down to 2 tubs:
KOHLER 6036 Whirlpool, White - $960 with free shipping (photo credit: Home Depot)

KOHLER Windward 5 Ft. Whirlpool in White - $1237 with free shipping (photo credit: Home Depot)

Then I went across the country for 3 weeks and forgot all about this. The bf called one day to tell me about his day at WDC (ugh, no!) and how he actually scored a deal of the century on a whirlpool bath tub. This is what he got for less than half of what they originally wanted:
It fits almost all of our requirements* and best of all, I don't have to worry about bath tub research anymore!

*our tub will have whirlpool jets. The only requirement the tub order didn't fulfill was shipping, but we live conveniently close so at least we don't have to pay for shipping (aside from a truck rental).

Sometimes slacking umm I mean patience really pays off!

Oct 20, 2010


I haven't gone MIA or given up on this blog (yet), but I was gone for 3 weeks for a long overdue trip to visit my friends and folks and to celebrate my BFF's big day!

Photo credit: Trudy

Congrats dad*! Love you.

*She is nicknamed dad because she can be like a mom sometimes. But not mom-like. More dad-like. She's even been given a dad mug to make it official.