Now that the walls are complete, time to move onto the floors. The previous owners had fortunately left several unopened boxes of the Pergo flooring used downstairs, so we wanted to make sure we didn't make mistakes and run out of pieces. After a couple frustrating false starts during the week, we decided it was best to tag team this one and get it done right so Jesse made a rare appearance at flyball practice this week. He
couldn't be trusted home alone.
During the week we cleaned the debris and laid down the vapor barrier on top of the concrete, to well, protect the new floors from moisture. I love saying 'vapor barrier', it makes me
feel pro just throwing around that term. In reality, it's just a sheet of thick plastic.
Next we put down some foam underlayment for sound and cushioning. Our flooring is a 'floating' floor, meaning it is not glued down directly to the floor below. I think most laminate flooring is connected via a tongue-and-groove method these days, and floats to allow shifting and to expand and contract. So don't forget to leave a 1/4" gap between the planks and the walls. We also put a thin bead of glue inside the tongue-in-groove connections per the manufacturer's instructions.
Tip: keep a damp rag nearby to clean up the excess glue. A little goes a long way, and try to avoid glue getting on the underlayment.
Another Tip: the easiest way to apply is inside the grooves, not on the tongue. The tongue of the planks that is. But you should probably avoid getting it on your tongue as well.
And Another Tip: don't try to measure and cut the planks all at once. Just measure and cut as you go along. Trust us.
Right after practice on Saturday we starting ripping the Pergo planks left and right. The most difficult part was cutting out the piece for the entryway to join with the existing planks without disturbing them. It sounds super easy, but typically you don't start in the middle, and that's where our entryway was located. We also didn't want seams in the entryway, or seams lining up with the other seams, they are supposed to stagger. Once Jesse got that piece done, we were on fire and the rest of the floor went pretty quick.
So now we no longer have exposed concrete flooring. This is
Suggestion: say 'vapor barrier' a lot. It's fun.