I love artichokes, look at these beauties I bought:
Not only are they pretty, they're a power food. If I were a food, I'd definitely want to be a POWER food, wouldn't you? It's in the top 10 detox foods (I think spinach and blueberries are up there as well). It promotes liver health and and soothes digestive issues like nausea (I should have devoured one of these before this incident). And for funsies, here's some trivia: Marilyn Monroe was crowned the first California Artichoke Queen in 1949.
Any good artichoke recipes to share*? Recommended dipping sauces? Recommended cooking methods? I got another pair that needs to be in my belly soon!
*while searching for artichoke recipes I came across this**. The named cracked me up. And it should you as well.
**after looking up what that is, I came across this. Goatfish? Surmullet? And of course that led me to this. Mullidae (great band name if you ask me)? I don't know who named the mullus but it should have been named the rat-tail-growing-on-chinnus. WTF is up with these weird names that crack me up? And to think I started this post with artichokes, the fun never stops! Does anyone else find this funny or do I need to quit my early morning drinking?