We made sure she went to a good home though - to a young boy transitioning from dirt to street bikes. He was enrolled in riding courses and surrounded by professional riders and had his mom's blessing (she actually bought it for him, cool mom!).
This was a somewhat sad moment as Suzi had become such a member of our garage pack for almost the last 2 years. I can't even begin to count the hours that Jesse has spent on her.
Being without Suzi meant he had to ride my motorcycle, Kawasaki '03 Ninja 250 EX (also known as Saki) in the interim. Which meant she needed tags. $300, 4 DMV trips and hours of aggravation later, she now has papers.
Before we knew it, this motorcycle joined our rice rocket posse ('08 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R):
Her name is Kawi (apparently Kawk didn't appeal to Jesse). To go with Saki (the little big sister). So now we are a Kawasaki household. As well as a little big sister/big little sister household (in reference to our dogs). 3 trips to the DMV, 1 trip to a sketchy junk yard downtown, a $50 inspection and $600 later, this had papers and plates (yep, we spent a grand just to get these two bikes legit for the road).
Do you have brand loyalty to cars or motorcycles or other big ticket items?
*Completely coincidental and with no relation to this Suzi Suzuki
i like ninjas