Right after we moved into our house in October, we adopted a 7 month old red border collie puppy from the local shelter. She's now taller than Karma as the big little sister. We're sure Karma hates that. But Karma will never give up her alpha dog status. I guess that makes Rylie beta dog?
We couldn't think of a name for the new pooch. A suggestion from the vet was
Destiny to go with Karma but that was just way too much cheese for us. Her name was revealed to me in a dream,
Rylie. She has a whole variety of nicknames: Rylie Roo, Ryle E. Coyote, Little Red Ryliehood, Baba O' Rylie, Lil' Rylie Rabble Rouser, and Rooster.
This name stirred up disagreement from some members of the flyball team. Why you ask? Because they claimed it sounded like a male name. I don't agree, and I don't mind how many times I am asked what her gender is. Do similar names spark the same sentiment such as
Kylie (Minogue), or
Miley (Cyrus)? To me, any name that ends in 'y' or 'lee' or 'lie' are like the equivalent of a name or word ending in 'a' in Spanish (i.e. chica). A little research suggests my dog has a girl's
I want to hear what the rest of the world thinks. Are you with me or am I on crazy pills?