We got a big new dining table recently and it's my dream dining table. What makes it my ideal table? It's solid (oak to be exact) - which means it's not going anywhere or will it tip over when you lean on it; it's round - which means no one sits at a corner; and can be extended to accommodate a bunch of people when needed, up to 8 or 10 (depending on how close everyone wants to be); it has a pedestal stand - which means no outside legs for anyone to straddle. Unless that's your thing of course, in that case don't dine here.

It also came with a table pad shown in the last photo, but I'm not sure what to use that for? Is that for card games? And if so, why do you need a pad to play card games?
I love my new table! I can envision homework sprawled out messily during finals, yards of fabric strewn across it for sewing projects, curtains being ironed (if I actually ironed them, does anyone actually do that?), piles of laundry folded on it, intense rounds of scrabble or bananagrams that couldn't be interrupted, and of course large feasts with friends and family (if they lived near).
And even if none of the above occurs, I just love that I could imagine it. Because it could.
I know that oak isn't really in fashion right now. Or old fashioned, traditional dining tables. Or even clunky wooden furniture. But I love this new addition - makes our house feel more like a home. Do you have a piece of furniture you feel the same way about?